Azule Blog, News & Events

Laura Asherman

Laura Asherman

Laura Asherman is a documentary filmmaker, sculptor, and educator from Atlanta, GA. During her residency at Azule, Laura split her time between two creations: a stop-motion animated film and an abstract paper mache sculpture.

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Sullivan Williams

Sullivan Williams

Sully’s residency aligned with the height of lightning bug season, syncing perfectly with their intent to experiment with reflective PanPastel paint.

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Alice Scott

Alice Scott

Alice Scott is a jeweler, metalsmith, and painter from Asheville, NC. She derives inspiration from a multitude of spiritual and cultural traditions, borrowing and blending their symbols seamlessly into her own realm of sacred objects.

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Abby Waters

Abby Waters

Recent resident Abby Waters is a writer and educator from Christiansburg, VA. Her craft melds a hybrid form—a blurry realm of “close-to-self” writing that doesn’t take on fiction or non-fiction as its sole aim.

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Heidi Leitzke

Heidi Leitzke

Heidi Leitzke’s process begins outside, observing and absorbing nature. As a visual artist hailing from Lancaster, PA, she crafts a diverse array of artworks spanning paintings, embroideries, drawings, and her distinctive thread paintings.

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Tai Lipan

Tai Lipan

Tai Lipan is a painter from Flagstaff, AZ, where she teaches at Northern Arizona University. Having relocated to Arizona in the past couple of years, she carried with her the fresh inspiration of a new landscape.

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Claire Kennedy

Claire Kennedy

Claire Kennedy, originally from the Cincinnati area, is a painter and educator who currently resides in Fort Worth, Texas. While staying at Azule, Claire drew inspiration from the surrounding nature, spiral motifs, and the prevalent blue hues of the property.

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Andrew Oda

Andrew Oda

Andrew Oda is a Charlottesville, VA based musician and sound design artist. He creates electro-acoustic music, a mix of abstract sound synthesis combined with acoustic instruments and field recordings.

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Sharman Egan

Sharman Egan

Sharman Egan is a creative nonfiction writer with a particular interest in memoirs and true crime. She recently spent time at Azule researching and completing the manuscript for her upcoming novel “The Devil Always Walks with a Dog.”

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