Jeffery Renard Allen

Jeffery Renard Allen

Image by Mark Hilringhouse. Jeffery Renard Allen is a Chicago-based writer who has published six books of fiction and poetry. Among many other accomplishments, he is a recipient of the Chicago Triibune’s Heartland Prize for Fiction, the Ernest J Gaines Award for...
Joshua Masters

Joshua Masters

We conducted Joshua Master’s resident interview digitally to coordinate with staff scheduling. Please find Joshua’s responses to our questions below.    You can learn more about Joshua’s work and research interests here. Tell us about yourself and your practice....
Sara Schindel

Sara Schindel

Sara Schindel is a multimedia artist in Atlanta, Georgia. By repurposing a variety of materials from old drawings and paintings to playing cards, marbles, and wooden airplanes, her work invites interpretation while evoking playfulness and a sense of curiosity. Follow...
Lauren Collins

Lauren Collins

Established local artist, Lauren Collins gives us a glimpse into balancing their tattoo + painting practice, and discusses their unique approach to gathering source imagery. During their first residency at Azule, Lauren talks about how “remembering” has...
Jack Fischer

Jack Fischer

We conducted this season’s resident interviews digitally to coordinate with staff scheduling. Please find Jack’s responses to our questions below.    You can learn more about Jack’s work and research interests here.     Tell us about yourself...